
This is a choice of publications concerned with animal bones.

The database contains: 9226 entries
Number of selected titles: 7

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Quade, Volker (1984): Die Tierknochen aus der Kloake der Lübecker Fronerei (15.-17. Jahrhundert). – Lübecker Schriften zur Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte 8, 105-167, Tafel 14-15

Quade, Volker (1982): Untersuchungen an Tierknochen aus einem Brunnen in der Altstadt von Lübeck (15. - 17. Jahrh.), Hausarbeit Universität Kiel, Kiel

Quero Castro, Salvador / Pérez Navarro, Amalia / Morín de Pablos, Jorge / Urbina Martínez, Dionisio (2005): El Cerro de La Gavia – El Madrid que encontraron los romanos, Catálogo de la Exposición del Museo de San Isidro, Madrid

Quinney, Patrick S. (2000): Paradigms Lost: changing interpretations of hominid behavioural patterns since ODK. in: Rowley-Conwy, Peter (ed.): Animal Bones, Human Societies, 12-19, Oxford

Quintana Morales, Eréndira M. (2013): Shifting Fish consumption and Climate Change On the Swahili Coast (A.D. 800-1500). – Archaeofauna 22, 113-122

Quintero, Leslie A. & Köhler-Rollefson, Ilse (1997): The 'Ain Ghazal Dog: a Case for the Neolithic Origin of Canis familiaris in the Near East. in: Gebel, Hans Georg K. / Kafafi, Zeidan A. / Rollefson, Gary O. (eds.): The Prehistory of Jordan, II. Perspectives from 1997, Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 4, 567-574, Berlin

Quiroz, Daniel (2010): Zooarqueología en Chile: historias, problemas, perspectivas. in: Mengoni Goñalons, Guillermo Luis / Arroyo-Cabrales, Joaquin / Polaco, Oscar J. / Aguilar, Felisa (eds.): Estado Actual de la Arqueozoologia Latinoamericana, 27-34, Mexico